A Space to Repattern Your Mindset, Recreate Your Story, and Realize Your Greatest Dreams 

 Do you feel a deep sense of purpose, but struggle with a mysterious lack progress and resistance to taking the actions you need to take to fulfill that purpose? 

What is Repattern?

Repattern is a transformative community for storytellers, creative artists, and entrepreneurs, who are committed to identifying and transforming the unconscious obstacles to their success, so they can realize their greatest dreams, together in community, and make the impact they’re here to make.

Micah Fitzgerald, Actor

I saw phenomenal results even after my first session. Within a month I landed my first role in a feature film. If you are looking to make a change in your life and follow your true calling, Teri will get you there.

I understand the challenges you face

When you have an important purpose (which everybody does!), it’s common to feel confused, stalled out, or even frozen with fear. It’s common to say things to yourself like:

Who do you think you are?

You can’t have your own podcast!

You can’t star in your own play.

You can’t write a book about your messy divorce.

You can’t launch a successful business doing something you love. 

You’re not even sure what you really want to do!

The reason I wrote these in second person is because the biggest blocks usually come out in our heads in that way, because this isn’t your true internal voice… these are things that you’ve heard from others that have become internalized. 

Even if you ARE moving forward on your dreams, you might also: 

  • Get scared that if you do put yourself out there more, you’ll be attacked
  • Make a little progress and then feel like you’re moving backwards
  • Believe that your lack of motivation means this isn’t the right path for you
  • Wonder if you should keep going or give up and do something else 
  • Tell yourself that you have to get a degree or certification first  
  • Get distracted by drama that feels entirely out of your control
  • Get bitter and resentful when you see other people fulfilling their purpose

Repattern Can Help!

Repattern meets 4x/month for 2 hours each time, where I alternate between supporting the group with Mindset Repatterning, Feel Better Letters, The Essential Life Story Process, Dream Business Coaching, and the Money Manifestation Game.

All sessions are recorded, in case you can’t attend live, and most of our meetings are on Thursdays from 12-2pm Eastern Time.

If this kind of support sounds right for you, we’d love to have you join us!

As a member, you will have access to:

  • 4 live two-hour online group workshops with me every month 
  • An ebook copy and audiobook (in audio lesson format) of Write Yourself Into Your Dreams
  • An ebook copy of The Money Manifestation Game
  • Dozens of pre-recorded Hot Seat Coaching sessions on the ELS Method and Dream Business Coaching
  • Dozens of pre-recorded Mindset Repatterning sessions (on Love, Relationships,  Creativity, Finances, and Career Success)
  • A private online community where you can connect with like-minded individuals, find accountability partners, share your wins and challenges, and receive feedback and encouragement.



Julie L., Writer

Two weeks after writing my first ELS intention—and after not having worked for 3 years—I got offered a job in the writers’ room of a TV series. By the time I finished chapter 7, I was well on the way to my dream job and had gotten engaged to the love of my life.

hi, i'm teri! 

I’ve been helping creative artists and entrepreneurs to realize their dreams for 25+ years, and as a creative artist and entrepreneur myself (who has had a lot of trauma and blocks!), I have a deep understanding of what’s really blocking people and what’s actually required to move past those blocks.

For years, I’ve seen my 1:1 clients experience breakthroughs in sessions that I know are universal for artists and entrepreneurs, that so many others could benefit from hearing and experiencing. I started my podcast to share these sessions publicly and so many people have told me they experienced profound shifts just by listening to other people’s sessions. 

I’ve dreamt of having a group membership program, not only to personalize the experience of hearing other people’s sessions, but to give people a space where they can grow and support each other as they make these powerful shifts together.

In Repattern, it never ceases to surprise everyone (myself included!) how the blocks and challenges I support one person with will resonate with everyone in the group. Whether the focus of the day is on learning to love the aspects of yourself that can feel very hard to love, or creating new ways to relate to haters on the internet that actually make you feel even more motivated to share your work, or upleveling what you feel you deserve in your love life, we’re always shifting together what everyone in the group is most ready to shift in that moment. 

Because I’ve worked with clients on their mindset patterns, I can easily see how their mindset issues show up in their writing and their planning and coach them on overcoming those in real time. So I’m able to help you see what your blocks are better when I’m working with you on your mindset, your story, and the tangible actions you can take… And that tangible, actionable support is an important part of what I offer in Repattern, as well. 

And the results always follow: increased career opportunities, more clients, healthier relationship interactions, greater financial flow, greater creative flow, and a deeper embodied sense of self-confidence, self-love and self-worth. 

And overall, the stories that you tell yourself in your head about what’s possible for you just keep getting better and better and feel more and more real!

One of my greatest passions is helping creative artists and entrepreneurs who want to amkea. difference to get out from under the radar. 

Sam Stone, TV Editor 

Working with Teri is like 10 years of therapy in one session.

In Repattern, You Can Expect To:  

  • Develop meaningful connections with other Repattern members
  • Feel safe, supported, and encouraged by the group
  • Appreciate and understand your unique gifts
  • Understand the wisdom in your emotions
  • Release past relationship pain, patterns, and imprints 
  • Improve your boundaries 
  • Develop greater intimacy in your relationships 
  • Discover or clarify your purpose
  • Expand your capacity to receive abundance 
  • Know that you’re on the right path 
  • Attract greater opportunities for creative and financial success 
  • Handle criticism and judgment with grace and ease
  • Feel lit up by your own creative flow 
  • Love and value yourself more than ever 
  • Attune your nervous system to feel calm with success
  • Shine more of your light in the world (and actually enjoy it!)

Whether you're looking to improve your relationships, grow your business, or simply feel more fulfilled and happy in your life...

A membership to Repattern is the perfect place for you to start.

Join us today and start transforming your mindset and your life!


As a member, you will have access to:

  • 4 live two-hour online group workshops with me every month 
  • An ebook copy and audiobook (in audio lesson format) of Write Yourself Into Your Dreams
  • An ebook copy of The Money Manifestation Game
  • Dozens of pre-recorded Hot Seat Coaching sessions on the ELS Method and Dream Business Coaching
  • Dozens of pre-recorded Mindset Repatterning sessions (on Love, Relationships,  Creativity, Finances, and Career Success)
  • A private online community where you can connect with like-minded individuals, find accountability partners, share your wins and challenges, and receive feedback and encouragement.



Ami Pierce, former Vice President at the Coca-Cola Company and Creator of A More Better You

Before working with Teri, I was drowning in misery in my love life. These methods were different and life-changing in a way that nothing else has ever been: rather than just feeding, discussing, and pampering my wounds to keep them at bay, this work allowed me to heal them. With every step, I released some of the negativity that was weighing me down, until it became less about removing weight and more about lifting me up. As a result, I feel more worthy of love, I have more energy, and I have greater access to my creativity. I also have clear and healthy boundaries and I’m now with an amazing man who is super loving, patient, and affectionate--and we just moved in together! This work is so freaking magical.


Nathaniel Reason, Musician

When I first met Teri, I was an “introverted musician.” I wrote music everyday, but never finished a song (I had 300+ drafts in my song file). After one session with Teri, it felt as though the dam broke. She took me from a place where I would literally have an anxiety attack if someone walked by my house window while I was playing, to playing shows in multiple countries and sharing the stage with people I never thought I even deserved crumbs at the table of! What she’s unlocked in me has overflowed from my creative career into every aspect of my life.

will you join us? 

