To transform your mindset, finally end self-doubt and embody the confidence you need to thrive as a creative artist





To transform your mindset, finally end self-doubt, and embody the confidence you need to succeed as a creative artist




the world needs you and your stories


Hi I’m Teri Wade, and I believe that storytelling is THE most powerful way to create change in the world.

If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you have a burning desire to share stories that open people’s hearts and minds–as a screenwriter, writer, filmmaker, actor, or musician—but you’re not currently doing it (or doing it at the level you feel called to).

That’s why I’m so passionate about helping creative artists like you, because—now more than ever—the world needs what’s being called forth from you.

the world needs you and your stories


Hi I’m Teri Wade, and I believe that storytelling is THE most powerful way to create change in the world.

If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you have a burning desire to share stories that open people’s hearts and minds–as a screenwriter, writer, filmmaker, actor, or musician—but you’re not currently doing it (or doing it at the level you feel called to).

That’s why I’m so passionate about helping creative artists like you, because—now more than ever—the world needs what’s being called forth from you.


“Within a year, my book was published.”

“Before I started working with Teri, I felt blocked, especially with the fear of being exposed as an artist, which triggered stage fright and performance anxiety. Even after years of therapy, it felt like no one really understood me as an artist until I found Teri. 

Her methods of muscle-checking honed in on issues I couldn’t articulate, and it felt like going into a cave where she had the flashlight and map. We worked through deep emotional blocks, including unresolved feelings about my mom's passing. We even tamed the critical voices in my head—by the end, they were singing and dancing with canes! 

With her support, I published and launched my book, overcame stage fright, and found confidence in being myself. I realized I didn’t need to perfect myself to be successful, and within a year, my book was published, and I performed to a full house at our local book store, magic in the air. Teri believes in artists more than we believe in ourselves, and with her help, I got results I never thought possible.”

Nina Hart, Author


 “Within a year, my book was published.”

“Before I started working with Teri, I was editing my book but it hadn't been published yet. I felt blocked, especially with the fear of being exposed as an artist, which triggered stage fright and performance anxiety. Even after years of therapy, it felt like no one really understood me as an artist until I found Teri. 

Her methods of muscle-checking honed in on issues I couldn’t articulate, and it felt like going into a cave where she had the flashlight and map. We worked through deep emotional blocks, including unresolved feelings about my mom's passing. We even tamed the critical voices in my head—by the end, they were singing and dancing with canes! 

With her support, I overcame stage fright, published and launched my book, and found confidence in being myself. I realized I didn’t need to perfect myself to be successful, and within a year, my book was published, and I performed to a full house at our local book store, magic in the air. Teri believes in artists more than we believe in ourselves, and with her help, I got results I never thought possible.”

Nina Hart, Author

If you’re not sharing your stories,
you’re likely struggling with:

  • Procrastinating on your screenplay, book, film, or songs (and getting mad at yourself for it) 
  • Hearing voices in your head that say: “You’re not good enough”
  • Feeling irritated when you see other artists succeeding 
  • Feeling stuck in a side-hustle that eats up your time and sucks your creativity dry 
  • Living in fear that others will “find out” you’re not good enough (aka imposter syndrome) 
  • Having your confidence disappear when you need it most  
  • Doubting that you have what it takes to make your dreams come true 


I get it—I’ve been there, too.


and I designed repattern for YOU.


I get it—I’ve been there, too.


and I designed repattern for YOU.

what is repattern? 


The reason you aren’t sharing your art with the world is that you're stuck in old patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serve you—and you don’t know how to get out of them. 

Repattern is an online group membership I developed to support you and other like-minded artists in unpacking, unraveling, and repatterning your mindset to free yourself from the generational trauma and societal conditioning that strangles your creativity.

We then work together to craft and bring you into alignment with new patterns of thought and behavior that turn on a green light inside of you and finally bring your passion projects to life. 


 what is repattern? 

The reason you aren’t sharing your art with the world is that you are stuck in old patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serve you—and you don’t know how to get out of them. 

Repattern is an online group membership I developed to support you and other like-minded artists in unpacking, unraveling, and repatterning the generational trauma and societal conditioning that strangles your creativity and self-expression.

From there, we craft and align with new patterns of thought and behavior (we’re all about shifting paradigms!) that turn a green light on inside of you for finally bringing your passion projects to life and breaking out in your industry. 

And because deep changes like this take some adjusting, there is a 3-month minimum commitment to join Repattern.

as a creative artist myself… 


I know what it's like to be trapped in the hell of your own mind, and tortured by thoughts that you’re not good enough, while at the same time, having big dreams to make a difference in the world through your craft.

I tried everything under the sun to move past the war in my own head, too. Ultimately, I had to create my own methods—like Mindset Repatterning, The Essential Life Story Method, and Feel Better Letters—that allowed me to understand why I was so attached to the story that I wasn’t good enough and why I kept engaging in self-sabotaging patterns, so I could finally change them. 

I learned that whenever I was blocked it was because one part of me wanted to succeed and another part of me didn’t, and that the only way to resolve that conflict was to reach out to the scared parts of myself, help them get what they need, and create win-win solutions that all parts of me were on board with.

And when I did that, the voices in my head changed all on their own. They became supportive and encouraging (even when I was “failing”). This internal alignment is what naturally gave me the confidence I needed to finally achieve all sorts of milestones, like publishing my award-winning book, Write Yourself Into Your Dreams and supporting myself and my family doing what I love, full time. 

Over the past 25+ years, one of my greatest passions has been supporting thousands of creative artists to do the same thing: wrangle the circus monkeys in their mind that sabotage their creative success so they can finally cheer themselves on and pinch themselves as they watch their creative dreams burst to life. 

I started Repattern to give creative artists like you a more affordable option for getting my support—that gives you the added benefit of being in a community with other like-minded creatives so you can inspire and encourage each other as you step into the next, exciting level of your life and career.

as a creative artist myself… 


I know what it's like to be trapped in the hell of your own mind, and tortured by thoughts that you’re not good enough, while at the same time, having big dreams to make a difference in the world through your craft.

I tried everything under the sun to move past the war in my own head, too. Ultimately, I had to create my own methods—like Mindset Repatterning, The Essential Life Story Method, and Feel Better Letters—that allowed me to understand why I was so attached to the story that I wasn’t good enough and why I kept engaging in self-sabotaging patterns, so I could finally change them. 

I learned that whenever I was blocked it was because one part of me wanted to succeed and another part of me didn’t, and that the only way to resolve that conflict was to reach out to the scared parts of myself, help them get what they need, and create win-win solutions that all parts of me were on board with.

And when I did that, the voices in my head changed all on their own. They became supportive and encouraging (even when I was “failing”). This internal alignment is what naturally gave me the confidence I needed to finally achieve all sorts of milestones, like publishing my award-winning book, Write Yourself Into Your Dreams and supporting myself and my family doing what I love, full time. 

Over the past 25+ years, one of my greatest passions has been supporting thousands of creative artists to do the same thing: wrangle the circus monkeys in their mind that sabotage their creative success so they can finally cheer themselves on and pinch themselves as they watch their creative dreams burst to life. 

I started Repattern to give creative artists like you a more affordable option for getting my support—that gives you the added benefit of being in a community with other like-minded creatives so you can inspire and encourage each other as you step into the next, exciting level of your life and career.


these creative artists

these creative artists

were also struggling with self-doubt

before working with me


"Repattern brought me out of my shell"

When I joined Repattern, I was emotionally fraught with preoccupation, anxiety and paralysis with my work. I was procrastinating and not putting myself out there because I hated filming and was very uncomfortable with being visible.

Being in the group really expanded me, and I never felt judged. In one of the workshops, we worked on deepening my sense of self-love and acceptance, no matter what I look like, which wasn’t something I would have thought I needed. But it made it a lot easier for me to put myself out there. 

I’m able to be in front of the camera now, and talk, and actually enjoy it. Teri also helped me come up with a topic to share on IG (that brought out what makes me stand out in my industry) and when I shared it, it went viral and got over 120k views. 

I have much more peace of mind now, in my work and in my personal life. And anxiety is no longer my constant companion. Repattern brought me out of my shell.

EMILY DEPAUW, Personal Coach


"I’m sharing the stage with people I never thought I deserved crumbs at the table of"

When I first met Teri, I was an “introverted musician.” I wrote music everyday, but never finished a song (I had 300+ drafts in my song file). After one session with Teri, it felt as though the dam broke. 

She took me from a place where I would literally have an anxiety attack if someone walked by my house window while I was playing, to playing shows in multiple countries and sharing the stage with people I never thought I even deserved crumbs at the table of! What she’s unlocked in me has overflowed from my creative career into every aspect of my life. 



"I landed my first role in a feature film"

We all get trapped in old patterns that don’t serve us. And sometimes it feels impossible to break out of them. I had the great pleasure of working with Teri recently and am seeing phenomenal results already from our first session. 

Within a month of our first session, where we focused on advancing my career, I landed my first role in a feature film. If you are looking to make a change in your life and follow your true calling, Teri will get you there.



"I have two projects in development with major studios"

Before working with Teri, I wanted to be an in-demand screenwriter, but didn't believe success was meant for me. Her methods helped me uncover messages that I'd subconsciously internalized as a kid (that glorified struggle) and strip them away. 

Two weeks after I started working with Teri, (and after not working for three years), I got a call to be in the writers’ room of a beloved TV series. And now, I have an incredible agent, 2 projects in development with major studios, and a pilot with celebrity attachments. If you don't think you're meant to have the life of your dreams, work with Teri and you’ll understand that it can be yours... and soon it will be. 

MARION S, Screenwriter


"Repattern brought me out of my shell"

When I joined Repattern, I was emotionally fraught with preoccupation, anxiety and paralysis with my work. I was procrastinating and not putting myself out there because I hated filming and was very uncomfortable with being visible.

Being in the group really expanded me, and I never felt judged. In one of the workshops, we worked on deepening my sense of self-love and acceptance, no matter what I look like, which wasn’t something I would have thought I needed. But it made it a lot easier for me to put myself out there. 

I’m able to be in front of the camera now, and talk, and actually enjoy it. Teri also helped me come up with a topic to share on IG (that brought out what makes me stand out in my industry) and when I shared it, it went viral and got over 120k views. 

I have much more peace of mind now, in my work and in my personal life. And anxiety is no longer my constant companion. Repattern brought me out of my shell.

EMILY DEPAUW, Personal Coach


"I’m sharing the stage with people I never thought I deserved crumbs at the table of"

When I first met Teri, I was an “introverted musician.” I wrote music everyday, but never finished a song (I had 300+ drafts in my song file). After one session with Teri, it felt as though the dam broke. 

She took me from a place where I would literally have an anxiety attack if someone walked by my house window while I was playing, to playing shows in multiple countries and sharing the stage with people I never thought I even deserved crumbs at the table of! What she’s unlocked in me has overflowed from my creative career into every aspect of my life. 



"I landed my first role in a feature film"

We all get trapped in old patterns that don’t serve us. And sometimes it feels impossible to break out of them. I had the great pleasure of working with Teri recently and am seeing phenomenal results already from our first session. 

Within a month of our first session, where we focused on advancing my career, I landed my first role in a feature film. If you are looking to make a change in your life and follow your true calling, Teri will get you there.



"I have two projects in development with major studios"

Before working with Teri, I wanted to be an in-demand screenwriter, but didn't believe success was meant for me. Her methods helped me uncover messages that I'd subconsciously internalized as a kid (that glorified struggle) and strip them away. 

Two weeks after I started working with Teri, (and after not working for three years), I got a call to be in the writers’ room of a beloved TV series. And now, I have an incredible agent, 2 projects in development with major studios, and a pilot with celebrity attachments. If you don't think you're meant to have the life of your dreams, work with Teri and you’ll understand that it can be yours... and soon it will be. 

MARION S, Screenwriter

 “But I’ve already done a LOT of work on myself, Teri!” 

I can’t count how many times artists have told me they’ve “tried everything” to raise their confidence—like traditional talk therapy, EMDR, EFT, CBT, hypnotherapy, tough-love coaching, Landmark, affirmations, and guided visualizations—but are still struggling with the same patterns of self-doubt.

If this sounds like you, I understand why you would say that you’ve tried everything...because you HAVE done a lot, in your commitment to growth!

But if you haven't tried the methods I support people with in Repatternlike Mindset Repatterning, the Essential Life Story Method, and Feel Better Lettersyou haven't tried everything!

I developed these methods to give you direct access to the subconscious aspects of your mind that are currently holding you back from creating the stories you're called to share, so you can repattern them. 

Without direct access to the subconscious root of the problem, you may have also tried these surface-level strategies:

Without direct access to the subconscious root of the problem, you may have also tried these surface-level strategies:

  • Shaming yourself for procrastination (in hope it will light a fire under your butt) 
  • Adopting arbitrary deadlines to force yourself to complete your projects
  • Pushing yourself to “just do the thing”
  • Going to war with thoughts in your head
  • Signing up for yet another training (in a subconscious attempt to resolve self-doubt)
  • Trying to convince yourself how amazing you are (to puff up your ego) 
  • Faking it ‘til you make it (which actually fuels imposter syndrome)
  • Rationalizing the abandonment of your dreams (when these surface-level strategies fail)


The problem with surface-level strategies is that they often

make your self-doubt even worse.



The problem with surface-level strategies is that they often

make your self-doubt even worse.

 In my group program, Repattern, I provide you with paradigm-shifting methodologies that bring you into resonance with a completely new way of relating to yourself—and your work as an artist—so you can finally experience the mental peace and motivation you need to bring your creative dreams to life.


here’s what’s included in repattern

Mindset Repatterning Workshops

In Repattern, I facilitate live Mindset Repatterning sessions*, where I use applied kinesiology to pinpoint the limiting patterns that everyone in the group is ready to change, and the earlier experiences that set these patterns in motion. 

You can expect to experience breakthroughs in each workshop about what’s truly limiting your creativity, success, and happiness.

From there, we create the blueprints you need to manifest increased confidence and career opportunities; greater creative and financial flow; and healthier relationships, AND bring you into alignment with these new patterns.

This transformation that happens in each Mindset Repatterning session is what leads to tangible results between each workshop. 

*1x/month in Repattern and 3x/month in Repattern+. 

“It's like 10 years of therapy in one hour.”
—Sam Stone, TV editor

Mindset Repatterning Workshops

Writing Accountability Sessions

One of the hardest things to do as a storyteller is sit your butt down and actually write! That’s why I added these built-in writing sessions to Repattern and Repattern+. 

Writing Accountability Sessions are a dedicated time for you to work on your Essential Life Story and/or your creative writing project (whether that’s your screenplay, memoir, novel, or social media posts). 

This is the time for you to make tangible progress with your writing and the intentions you create in Mindset Repatterning Workshops. 

*Story Incubator Sessions are held jointly 4x/month for both Repattern and Repattern+.

“I often do personal growth work, but haven’t carved out time to actually write. These Writing Accountability are perfect because they force me to set aside time and feel energized by others who are also working on their creative projects—all from the comfort of my own home. It’s moved the needle tremendously.”
—Joanna Keith, Author 


Mindset Repatterning Replays

One of the cool things about Mindset Repatterning is that it works beyond time. You can experience just as much transformation in your thoughts, feelings, and the opportunities you attract by listening to a pre-recorded session as you can by being there in real life. 

The entry-level version of Repattern includes replays such as: Improving Your Relationship With Social MediaHow to Be a Great Parent to Your Creative Babies, and Chronic Disappointment is a Trauma Response. 

*When you upgrade to Repattern+, you’ll have access to all the replays in both levels, including: Releasing Fear of Your Inner Critic, How to Stop Being Afraid of Haters, and Broadening Your Reach and Impact. 

"WOW! I feel better, more positive and got deeper into my childhood just by listening to a recording. I understand more and realize that things were not my fault. I know now that I deserve my dreams and—more importantly—that I deserve to be happy.” 

—June Benson, Actress

Mindset Repatterning Replays

Write Yourself Into Your Dreams

The premise of Write Yourself Into Your Dreams is that your dreams are not mere fantasy—they’re actually meant to come true. I wrote Write Yourself Into Your Dreams to walk you through the process of breaking down your old narrative and recreatinge it in such a way that makes you believe your dreams are not only possible, but inevitable. 

And because every story you write is an outgrowth of your own, the added benefit of setting your own story straight, is that it becomes infinitely easier to write the other stories you have a passion to tell. Because your greatest asset as a storyteller is a story of your own that inspires you.

Your membership to Repattern includes a PDF version of Write Yourself Into Your Dreams. 

*When you upgrade to Repattern+, you also get dozens of recorded trainings on each step of the Essential Life Story Method to magnify your results.    

“This book changed everything for me—it’s like The Artist’s Way meets The Secret.” 

—Jana Kellam, Intuitive Mindset Coach

Write yourself into your dreams

The Money Manifestation Game

One of the most challenging aspects of being an artist is allowing yourself to do what you love AND make a great living at it. Essentially, artists often have a hard time receiving money! 

I created The Money Manifestation Game to get myself out of the worst financial situation I’d ever been in, and after experiencing the miracles changes it brought into my life, I turned it into a product that other people can easily use. And it consistently brings similar results for others! 

Your membership to Repattern includes a pdf copy of The Money Manifestation Game that you can download, print, and start playing right away (as well as a Google-doc version if you prefer to play online).

*When you upgrade to Repattern+ you also get pre-recorded training sessions that support your greater success in using The Money Manifestation Game. 

I played the money game and at first, I was convinced it wouldn’t work. But it did! I paid off my debt in less than a year.”

—Kelli Patton, Author

Money Manifestation Game

here’s what’s included in repattern

Mindset Repatterning Workshops

In Repattern, I facilitate live Mindset Repatterning sessions*, where I use applied kinesiology to pinpoint the limiting patterns that everyone in the group is ready to change, and the earlier experiences that set these patterns in motion. 

You can expect to experience 
 in each workshop about what’s truly limiting your creativity, success, and happiness.

From there, we create the blueprints you need to manifest increased confidence and career opportunities; greater creative and financial flow; and healthier relationships, AND bring you into alignment with these new patterns.

This transformation that happens in each Mindset Repatterning session is what leads to tangible results between each workshop. 

*1x/month in Repattern and 3x/month in Repattern+. 

“It's like 10 years of therapy in one hour.”
—Sam Stone, TV editor

Writing Accountability Sessions


One of the hardest things to do as a storyteller is sit your butt down and actually write! That’s why I added these built-in writing sessions to Repattern and Repattern+. 

Writing Accountability Sessions are a dedicated time for you to work on your Essential Life Story and/or your creative writing project (whether that’s your screenplay, memoir, novel, or social media posts). 

This is the time for you to make tangible progress with your writing and the intentions you create in Mindset Repatterning Workshops. 

*Story Incubator Sessions are held jointly 4x/month for both Repattern and Repattern+.

“I often do personal growth work, but haven’t carved out time to actually write. These Writing Accountability are perfect because they force me to set aside time and feel energized by others who are also working on their creative projects—all from the comfort of my own home. It’s moved the needle tremendously.”
—Joanna Keith, Author 

Mindset Repatterning Replays

One of the cool things about Mindset Repatterning is that it works beyond time. You can experience just as much transformation in your thoughts, feelings, and the opportunities you attract by listening to a pre-recorded session as you can by being there in real life. 

The entry-level version of Repattern includes replays such as: Improving Your Relationship With Social MediaHow to Be a Great Parent to Your Creative Babies, and Chronic Disappointment is a Trauma Response. 

*When you upgrade to Repattern+, you’ll have access to all the replays in both levels, including: Releasing Fear of Your Inner Critic, How to Stop Being Afraid of Haters, and 
Broadening Your Reach and Impact. 

"WOW! I feel better, more positive and got deeper into my childhood just by listening to a recording. I understand more and realize that things were not my fault. I know now that I deserve my dreams and—more importantly—that I deserve to be happy.” 

—June Benson, Actress

Write Yourself Into Your Dreams

The premise of Write Yourself Into Your Dreams is that your dreams are not mere fantasy—they’re actually meant to come true. I wrote Write Yourself Into Your Dreams to walk you through the process of breaking down your old narrative and recreatinge it in such a way that makes you believe your dreams are not only possible, but inevitable. 

And because every story you write is an outgrowth of your own, the added benefit of setting your own story straight, is that it becomes infinitely easier to write the other stories you have a passion to tell. Because your greatest asset as a storyteller is a story of your own that inspires you.

Your membership to Repattern includes a PDF version of Write Yourself Into Your Dreams. 

*When you upgrade to Repattern+, you also get dozens of recorded trainings on each step of the Essential Life Story Method to magnify your results.    

“This book changed everything for me—it’s like The Artist’s Way meets The Secret.” 

—Jana Kellam, Intuitive Mindset Coach

The Money Manifestation Game

One of the most challenging aspects of being an artist is allowing yourself to do what you love AND make a great living at it. Essentially, artists often have a hard time receiving money! 

I created The Money Manifestation Game to get myself out of the worst financial situation I’d ever been in, and after experiencing the miracles changes it brought into my life, I turned it into a product that other people can easily use. And it consistently brings similar results for others! 

Your membership to Repattern includes a pdf copy of The Money Manifestation Game that you can download, print, and start playing right away (as well as a Google-doc version if you prefer to play online).

*When you upgrade to Repattern+ you also get pre-recorded training sessions that support your greater success in using The Money Manifestation Game. 

I played the money game and at first, I was convinced it wouldn’t work. But it did! I paid off my debt in less than a year.”

—Kelli Patton, Author

There are 2 Ways to Repattern

So you can pick the version that's best for you!

Plan Comparison Table

What's included:

1 live 2-hour Mindset Repatterning workshop per month
1 live 90-minute Writing Accountability session per month
Membership to our private Repattern FB community
Access to all previously recorded Repattern workshops
Write Yourself Into Your Dreams PDF
Money Manifestation Game PDF
2 additional 2-hour Mindset Repatterning sessions
3 additional Writing Accountability sessions per month
Membership to our private Repattern+ FB community
Write Yourself Into Your Dreams audio lessons
Dozens of Essential Life Story trainings
Dozens of Mindset Repatterning replays on creativity, career success, love, and relationships



Founding Members Pricing

(first 20 people):



*There is a 3-month minimum commitment.



Founding Members Pricing
(first 20 people):




*There is a 3-month minimum commitment.




Founding Members Pricing

(first 10 people):



*There is a 3-month minimum commitment.



Founding Members Pricing
(first 10 people):




*There is a 3-month minimum commitment.


because your dreams are meant to come true. 

because your dreams are meant to come true.


"Joining Repattern has amplified my transformation."

Before joining Repattern, I was at a crossroads, leaving behind a 22-year corporate career that no longer served me. I felt anxious and uncertain about my future, unsure of how I would make money or navigate this major life transition. My perfectionism held me back, and I struggled with showing up fully as myself. Despite having done one-on-one work with Teri, I wanted to deepen my growth, learn from others in the group, and gain the clarity and confidence to take bold steps toward my dreams.

Through Repattern, I experienced incredible breakthroughs. I shifted from survival mode to thriving, embracing my full self without fear of judgment. I let go of unhealthy patterns, gained confidence sharing on social media, and found a sense of joy and freedom I hadn’t felt before. 

The supportive community and Teri’s expert guidance allowed me to see and resolve blind spots I couldn’t have uncovered on my own. Now, I feel more at ease experimenting with my next career steps and allowing myself to truly enjoy life. Joining Repattern has amplified my transformation in ways I never expected, and I am proud of the person I am becoming.

AMI PIERCE, former VP at the Coca-Cola Company and Creator of A More Better You


 "Joining Repattern has amplified my transformation."

Before joining Repattern, I was at a crossroads, leaving behind a 22-year corporate career that no longer served me. I felt anxious and uncertain about my future, unsure of how I would make money or navigate this major life transition. My perfectionism held me back, and I struggled with showing up fully as myself. Despite having done one-on-one work with Teri, I wanted to deepen my growth, learn from others in the group, and gain the clarity and confidence to take bold steps toward my dreams.

Through Repattern, I experienced incredible breakthroughs. I shifted from survival mode to thriving, embracing my full self without fear of judgment. I let go of unhealthy patterns, gained confidence sharing on social media, and found a sense of joy and freedom I hadn’t felt before. 

The supportive community and Teri’s expert guidance allowed me to see and resolve blind spots I couldn’t have uncovered on my own. Now, I feel more at ease experimenting with my next career steps and allowing myself to truly enjoy life. Joining Repattern has amplified my transformation in ways I never expected, and I am proud of the person I am becoming.

AMI PIERCE, former VP at the Coca-Cola Company and Creator of A More Better You

if you're finally ready to:

if you're finally ready to:

  • Wake up every day feeling crystal clear about what you should work on and feel excited to do it!
  • No longer wonder if you have what it takes (or need more training) because you know that you were born to do this. 
  • Speak about who you are and what you’re working on with relaxed confidence (without downplaying yourself or your work, or being thrown off by other peoples’ doubts).
  • Notice yourself finding every opportunity to work on your creative project (instead of every excuse to avoid it).
  • Appreciate your creative energy being on fire every day (because you're no longer drained by self-doubt, unworthiness, or unhealthy relationship dynamics).
  • Finally write in a way that really sounds like YOU.
  • Notice your mind looking for solutions to problems that arise (instead of catastrophizing and spiraling into negativity).
  • Revel in the joy of FINISHING your creative projects (and feel so grateful that procrastination is a thing of the past)!
  • Pitch your work with relaxed confidence, and hear a lot of "yes please!" from the people you most want to work with.
  • Love marketing your work just as much as you love creating it.
  • Pinch yourself when you see your movie on the big screen/your novel on display at the bookstore/hear your song on the radio.
  • Receive more recognition and financial rewards for your art than ever (while also knowing that your value doesn’t depend on those external metrics of success)
  • Feel moved to tears when someone tells you how much your work changed their life.
  • Feel so grateful that you took the leap to invest in your creative success and are actually living the dream (knowing you’ll never have to regret not having gone for it).
  • Wake up every day feeling crystal clear about what you should work on and feel excited to do it!
  • No longer wonder if you have what it takes (or need more training) because you know that you were born to do this. 
  • Speak about who you are and what you’re working on with relaxed confidence (without downplaying yourself or your work, or being thrown off by other peoples’ doubts).
  • Notice yourself finding every opportunity to work on your creative project (instead of every excuse to avoid it).
  • Appreciate your creative energy being on fire every day (because you're no longer drained by self-doubt, unworthiness, or unhealthy relationship dynamics).
  • Finally write in a way that really sounds like YOU.
  • Notice your mind looking for solutions to problems that arise (instead of catastrophizing and spiraling into negativity).
  • Revel in the joy of FINISHING your creative projects (and feel so grateful that procrastination is a thing of the past)!
  • Pitch your work with relaxed confidence, and hear a lot of "yes please!" from the people you most want to work with.
  • Love marketing your work just as much as you love creating it.
  • Pinch yourself when you see your movie on the big screen/your novel on display at the bookstore/hear your song on the radio.
  • Receive more recognition and financial rewards for your art than ever (while also knowing that your value doesn’t depend on those external metrics of success)
  • Feel moved to tears when someone tells you how much your work changed their life.
  • Feel so grateful that you took the leap to invest in your creative success and are actually living the dream (knowing you’ll never have to regret not having gone for it).


is PERFECT for you, if...

  • You’re a storyteller (such as a writer, screenwriter, filmmaker, or actor (or you aspire to be one) 
  • You desperately want to stop doubting yourself and believe in your purpose as an artist 
  • You’re open to discovering what’s really holding you back (even if it’s uncomfortable) so you can finally resolve it
  • You place a greater value on making an impact as a storyteller than fame, recognition, or money for their own sake
  • You long for deeper connection with other like-minded artists who are working together towards their dreams… 


is NOT for you, if...

  • You don’t want to explore the patterns your parents modeled that are getting in your way  
  • Your primary goal is to gain external metrics of success (like wealth, fame, and followers) at the expense of joy, peace, fulfilment, and creativity
  • You only want to be surrounded with people at your exact level of success or higher 
  • You want to use the group as a place to showcase your own expertise or get clients 
  • You’re not ready to commit time or resources to step fully into your purpose as a storyteller

the secret sauce of repattern 

Your success in Repattern doesn’t just come from the cutting-edge methods we use to reveal and transform blocks. 

The values I rely on to guide every session are what allow the methods to work so well—values like empathy, curiosity, personal sovereignty, and unconditional love. 

Leading with these values is what provides the fearful and vulnerable parts of you the safety they need to speak up about what's been holding them back and what they're really needing—without the fear of being invalidated, neglected, or manipulated—so you can finally realize your dreams.

the secret sauce of repattern 

Your success in Repattern doesn’t just come from the cutting-edge methods we use to reveal and transform blocks. 

The values I rely on to guide every session are what allow the methods to work so well—values like empathy, curiosity, personal sovereignty, and unconditional love. 

Leading with these values is what provides the fearful and vulnerable parts of you the safety they need to speak up about what's been holding them back and what they're really needing—without the fear of being invalidated, neglected, or manipulated—so you can finally realize your dreams.



FAQs About Repattern

your dreams are divinely inspired, because their realization benefits us all

your dreams are divinely inspired, because their realization benefits us all


I paid off astronomical debt, launched a membership and grew my social media following from 12 people to 3000. 

Before working with Teri in Repattern, I felt lost and stuck despite years of trying to figure out “what’s wrong with me?” through therapy, life coaching, and self-help. I was caught up in unhealthy relationships, stuck in my career, and unable to show up as the parent I wanted to be. My patterns, traumas, and deep-seated beliefs about my own worthiness were holding me back, but I couldn’t even see that yet, without her help, so I couldn’t address them. It felt like trying to drive through a dark cave with my hands tied behind my back.

Working with Teri changed everything. Through her precise and compassionate process, I uncovered and removed the blockers I didn’t even know existed, healing wounds I thought were beyond reach. She helped me feel worthy of success, love, and confidence—not just in my personal life but also in my business. 

And that allowed me to take the actions I needed to take to pay off astronomical debt, launch a membership program with active members in just three weeks, and grow my social media following from 12 people to 3,000 in two months. 

Today, I’m living on purpose, deeply impacting others, and finally celebrating myself and my achievements. And I no longer let self-doubt or others' opinions stop me. In Repattern, Teri helped me gain the clarity, confidence, and belief in myself that I needed to create a life I’m proud of—and that is priceless.

Kelli Patton, Author


I paid off astronomical debt, launched a membership and grew my social media following from 12 people to 3000.

Before working with Teri in Repattern, I felt lost and stuck despite years of trying to figure out “what’s wrong with me?” through therapy, life coaching, and self-help. I was caught up in unhealthy relationships, stuck in my career, and unable to show up as the parent I wanted to be. My patterns, traumas, and deep-seated beliefs about my own worthiness were holding me back, but I couldn’t even see that yet, without her help, so I couldn’t address them. It felt like trying to drive through a dark cave with my hands tied behind my back.

Working with Teri changed everything. Through her precise and compassionate process, I uncovered and removed the blockers I didn’t even know existed, healing wounds I thought were beyond reach. She helped me feel worthy of success, love, and confidence—not just in my personal life but also in my business. 

And that allowed me to take the actions I needed to take to pay off astronomical debt, launch a membership program with active members in just three weeks, and grow my social media following from 12 people to 3,000 in two months. 

Today, I’m living on purpose, deeply impacting others, and finally celebrating myself and my achievements. And I no longer let self-doubt or others' opinions stop me. In Repattern, Teri helped me gain the clarity, confidence, and belief in myself that I needed to create a life I’m proud of—and that is priceless.

Kelli Patton, Author

There are 2 Ways to Repattern

So you can pick the version that's best for you!

Plan Comparison Table

What's included:

1 live 2-hour Mindset Repatterning workshop per month
1 live 90-minute Writing Accountability session per month
Membership to our private Repattern FB community
Access to all previously recorded Repattern workshops
Write Yourself Into Your Dreams PDF
Money Manifestation Game PDF
2 additional 2-hour Mindset Repatterning sessions
3 additional Writing Accountability sessions per month
Membership to our private Repattern+ FB community
Write Yourself Into Your Dreams audio lessons
Dozens of Essential Life Story trainings
Dozens of Mindset Repatterning replays on creativity, career success, love, and relationships


Founding Members Pricing

(first 20 people):





*There is a 3-month minimum commitment.



Founding Members Pricing
(first 20 people):




*There is a 3-month minimum commitment.



Founding Members Pricing

(first 10 people):





*There is a 3-month minimum commitment.



Founding Members Pricing
(first 10 people):




*There is a 3-month minimum commitment.